

体育365 promotes a profound respect for each individual 和 recognizes how diversity enriches a community. 这种根深蒂固的理念可以追溯到我们1925年的成立. Our inclusive community of 学习ers challenges assumptions 和 acknowledges differences of every kind, 包括种族, 种族, 社会经济地位, 性别认同, 性取向, 信仰的偏好, 年龄, 体能, 和更多的. We value 和 actively cultivate our diverse composition of 教师, 工作人员, 和 students on campus.



体育365 works to honor our 多元化使命宣言 in several ways.  

Each year, 体育365 sends students to outreach programs such as MARD 和 SCHout. Faculty, 工作人员, 和 students also attend the People of Color Conference. 

多样性、公平和包容(DEI)) 集团
由学生和教师组成,由Jen Perez老师组织, the group hosts town hall meetings every three weeks to help uncover inherent bias(es) 和 to offer a supportive 和 encouraging environment to 讨论 everything from race, 移民, 文化探索, 和更多的.


索尔斯伯里也举办 亲和力俱乐部 下面...


一个由混血学生组成的亲密团体. The group was formed as a space for students who identify as multiracial, 多元文化的, 多民族, 或者种族模糊的相遇, 讨论, 分享他们在学校内外的生活经历.

顾问: Hadiyyah坟墓Keson Bullock-Brown

欢迎国内外学生参加, meetings focus on how we can best share the diverse national backgrounds represented at 体育365. A number of special events open to the entire school community are also planned by this organization.

LatinX is one of the many affinity groups that 体育365 has to offer 和 is run by Jen 和 Dan Perez. LatinX is a safe space where anyone who identifies or is an ally to the community can come 和 just be together. 除了, 作为一个俱乐部, we plan 和 organize fundraisers 和 cultural events such as coat drives or Day of the Dead cookie decorating to bring attention to issues we care about 和 to educate our Solebury community about our culture. Being able to be with people who underst和 your life experiences 和 in some cases have been through them too is just one of the many reasons that LatinX 和 all affinity groups are a crucial part of our community.   
顾问: M阿雅丹纳

对所有性取向的人开放, the club was cr吃ed to  讨论 和 ensure safety 和 support on campus for all. 我们与其他学校的类似组织建立联系, 我们是同性恋的积极分子, 女同性恋, 叫cazuza, 以及跨性别事业.
顾问: 斯泰西Anastasio

博客 & 新闻


多样性与文化共享 is a new performing arts course for the winter trimester designed to celebrate the diversity of cultures represented by each person in our community. 在这个课堂上, students will explore 和 exchange their personal stories 和 those of their ancestors through music, 跳舞, 诗歌, 首歌, 和讲故事. The performance aspect will be cultivated from a regular practice of sharing with each other 和 will culminate with a music 和 跳舞 concert at the end of the trimester. 


人类历史在本质上主要是进化的, 不时出现改变人生的革命时刻. Upheaval 和 unrest are the engine of radical change—both positive 和 negative—for humans 和 the societies they cr吃e. 索伯里的学生们现在目睹了这样的动荡和不安. 一场全球大流行改变了我们的工作方式, 学习, 旅行, 假期, 吃, 收集, 重新创建, 交互, 诸如此类. 在这个全球威胁之上, centuries of systemic racism that was built into the very fabric of our nation at its birth is being challenged in ways no American has ever seen.


在这一刻, I think we educators have a powerful opportunity to impact the lives of our students, 我们自己, 和 each other by cr吃ively 和 thoughtful rethinking how 和 what we teach. Consider this: how can our course curriculums fully represent the diversity of human experiences 和 perspectives? 在这个时刻,我们怎样才能使黑人的声音更加重要?  It is not enough to simply include Black voices as I know many of you do…


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